Tracer Bot Features

Overview of Features

The Tracer Telegram Bot extends the platform's capabilities to the convenience of a messaging app. It offers detailed analyses and real-time data retrieval for tokens on the Solana network, making it an essential tool for on-the-go users.

Token Address

Users can input a token address to receive detailed information about the token.

Creation Time

The bot provides the creation time of the token, offering context about its age and potential market history.

Likes, Followers, Coins Created

The bot tracks metrics such as the number of likes, followers, and the number of coins the developer has created, providing insight into the token's social media presence and developer's history.

Market Cap

Displays the current market capitalization of the token, updated in real-time.

Bonding Curve in Percentage

Indicates the token's progress towards key milestones, such as a Radium listing.

Snipers Involvement

Identifies whether there are snipers (high-frequency traders) involved in the token, along with the amount of Solana they are holding, indicating potential volatility or manipulation.

Amount of Holders

Shows the number of unique holders of the token, giving an idea of its distribution.

Top 10 Holders in Percentage

Displays the percentage of the total token supply held by the top 10 holders.


Aggregates user comments and interactions related to the token.

Social and Web Links

Provides links to the token's official Twitter, Telegram, and website, allowing users to explore further information and community engagement.

King of the Hill Status

Indicates whether the token is currently leading in a specific category or event, along with relevant timeframes.

Radium Status

Shows whether the token has been listed on Radium.

Developer Holding Information

Provides details on whether the developer still holds any tokens, including the percentage of total supply and recent buying activity.

Scan and Risk Assessment

The bot tracks how many times a token has been scanned and provides an assessment of potential risks, such as security vulnerabilities or market manipulation.

Bot Usage Statistics

Displays how frequently the bot has been used and the number of daily interactions, reflecting its popularity and reliability.

Last updated